Day 1: Scope of the Problem: Where are we now?

Overview Malaria in Pregnancy and control
Feiko ter Kuile, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine

Assessing the association between malaria prevention in pregnancy and risk of low birth weight and neonatal mortality
Thom Eisele, Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine

Coverage of MiP interventions in malaria-endemic African countries
Annemieke van Eijk, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine

Determinants of IPTp and ITN coverage among pregnant women: Systematic review
Jenny Hill, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine

Antenatal Care: An Overview
Ana Langer, Maternal Health Task Force

Coverage and quality of ANC in high-burden, malaria-endemic countries and capacity to incorporate MiP activities
Stephen Munjanja, University of Zimbabwe

Findings from Roll Back Malaria meeting in Kigali
Elaine Roman, MCHIP

Day 2: Distilling what we know: How can we maximize impact?

An analysis of achievements and limitations to meeting women’s comprehensive needs during pregnancy
Rifat Atun, Imperial College

Innovative approaches to identify and apply context-specific interventions
Marcia Castro, Harvard School of Public Health

Malaria in Pregnancy: Threats, opportunities, and new technologies
Ib Christian Bygbjerg, University of Copenhagen

A decision-making tool to improve the effectiveness of the delivery of IPTp and ITNs
Jayne Webster, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Malaria in Pregnancy: The role of the private sector
Nancy Nachbar, Abt Associates