On November 27 – 29, 2010, Sudan will host the International Conference on Reproductive Health Management. The International Secretariat for this regularly convened traveling event is in the Philippines. The Sudan sponsors are UNFPA, the Federal Ministry of Health and local businesses.
Sudan has poor reproductive and neonatal health indicators largely due to decades of war and conflict and poor infrastructure. Hosting this event in Khartoum will mean an influx of ideas and experiences from other countries and the forging of partnerships for technical assistance in service delivery, management and implementation research.
The structure and themes of the Conference include: Addressing unmet need for family planning, community mobilization for reproductive health, meeting the needs of health workers, health financing, safe motherhood, women focused service delivery, social aspects of reproductive health, and reproductive health in emergency situations.
Abstracts of presentations or full papers may be sent to the Scientific Committee headed by Professor Mohammed A. El Sheikh as soon as possible:
E-mail: info@icrhmsudan.com
Telephone: +249 9053111290
Fax: +249 183780445
The papers can be on any of the themes mentioned above and may be a review of global or regional experiences or a report on a specific situation that is relevant and adaptable to Sudan. There are also opportunities for training workshops and poster presentations as well as display spaces for publications.
If a paper is accepted the author/presenter will be fully sponsored to attend the conference with economy class airfare, local transportation and accommodation at the five- star Bourj Al Fatih Hotel & Conference Centre on the shores of the Nile. Entry visa will be arranged through the Ministry of Health and Consular sections of Sudan Embassies worldwide.
For further information please visit the conference website: www.icrhmsudan.com
You can also access more information at the Republic of Sudan Federal Ministry of Health site: www.fmoh.gov.sd
Click here for a PowerPoint presentation that outlines the goals and objectives of the conference.