Get Mapped at the Global Maternal Health Conference in Delhi!

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Using geographic maps provides a global view of where maternal health activity is occurring and helps the community to understand where gaps exist. We have three interactive maps on our site containing information that we hope will be useful in your work and/or studies; maternal health knowledge hubs, MPH programs that offer a concentration/focus on maternal health, and maternal health organizations.

Our maternal health organizations map now has over a 1000 organizations mapped–spanning 92 countries!

This week, at the Global Maternal Health Conference (August 30th-September 1st) in Delhi, the MHTF team will have a mapping table set up just outside the Plenary Hall. Stop by to put your organization on the map!

Putting your organization on our maternal health mapwill help to build a growing interconnected community of maternal health organizations. It will link the important work of your organization or school with the work of maternal health organizations and schools around the globe.

If you are not attending the Global Maternal Health Conference, you can still get mapped! Click here to download the mapping form. Fill it out and return it to Raji Mohanam at

For a brief presentation on this mapping project, attend (or view the live stream of) Maternal Health Digital, a conference session that will showcase a number of digital tools being applied to maternal health.

To learn about our mapping activities at the Women Deliver conference in June, click here.