The MHTF is proud to launch, with Population Action International, the Maternal Health Supplies Community of Practice.
Why a Community of Practice for Maternal Health Supplies? Because no woman should die during childbirth because the shelves in her clinic were bare. Because no infant should lose their mother before they have a chance to meet her. Because most of the maternal health supplies that save women’s lives are inexpensive and available. Because Coca Cola is more available than magnesium sulfate and oxytocin.
Governments must take a stand to meet MDG 5, and supplies are key to progress. We have learned from a decade of success in RH supplies advocacy that it takes a community to create sustainable progress on a large scale. Together, we can make a difference to increase the availability of these supplies, through logistical improvements, adequate and innovative financing, improved programs and policies, and with a forum for advocacy to hold those in positions of responsibility accountable. Join us in this community. Let’s make progress together to make sure that the bare shelves become full shelves – and that women survive the births of their children.
To participate in the MH Supplies Community of Practice, register on the MHTF website and visit the Discussion Forum, view MH Supplies Resources, and RSVP for the CoP meeting in April.