Moms Matter

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ABC News recently announced the winners of it’s “Moms Matter: Make it Obvious” competition in collaboration with the Acumen Fund and Good:

Our goal was to raise attention to the hundreds of thousands of women who die in pregnancy and childbirth of causes we’ve long known how to treat and cure. You all responded with Tweets and print ads, with guerrilla marketing campaigns and videos, with essays, and a host of other creative ideas with one unifying purpose: to stand up as a global community and to say with one voice, “Enough is enough: moms matter.”

But creating the ads is only step one. Now it’s time to ensure those messages are read and felt by the people that matter: policymakers, philanthropists, and everyday individuals who are ready to put an end to unnecessary maternal deaths around the world. That’s why, in addition to the outstanding winning submissions, you’ll find a list of organizations that are out saving women’s lives each and every day, and who need your support right now. These ideas are meant to spread, so the next steps depend on you.


Best Video: A World Without Moms by The Jubilee Project

Best Print Ad: Mothers Shape Identity by Daniel Paredes







To see the winners in other category and runners up, visit