TBA or not TBA?, cont’d

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Last week, we posted about a discussion at the British Medical Journal on traditional birth attendants and their role in promoting maternal health. Our poll results suggest that our readers think that TBAs do have a role to play in promoting maternal health, as do the responses from the Twitterverse.

Abubakar D. Said responded:

Nowadays TBAs are trained on basic obstetrics care to improve both maternal & Foetal outcomes. But should not be substitute to maternity [care].


Claire Cole added:

Investing in existing community resources is imperative, esp until access is reality for all women. @PathfinderInt sees TBAs as allies.


Operation OF chimed in:

Rural women say yes! TBAs important and oft scorned part of mat health


Pathfinder shared a few resources on the topic.

Finally, one of Nick Kristoff’s “Win-a-Trip” winner posted this morning about TBAs and breastfeeding in Niger that fits perfectly in the conversation.