Women Deliver has been hosting a discussion of what global frameworks might exists in post-Millennium Development Goal world after 2015 in a series “Beyond 2015.” Last week, Andy Sumner of the Institute of Development Studies and the Center for Global Development laid out three possibilities:
The first option, could be called MDGs 2020/2025 and would simply extending the deadline of 2015, perhaps with some minor changes to the indicators and goals in order to reflect that new timeline.
A second approach could be called MDGs+ and would still be a goal-led framework, but either set by national governments through deliberative processes, or by a combination of a streamlined set of global indicators (child nutrition, infant mortality and primary/secondary enrolment rates) with actual indicators and targets set by national governments via deliberative processes.
A third approach could be called a ‘One World’ or ‘Global Challenges’ approach and would be much bolder and more ambitious. It would build a global agreement binding both north and south, with poverty targets for the south and sustainable consumption targets for the north.