Earlier this week, the Huffington Post shared a story on their Global Motherhood Blog, Maternal Health in the Mobile Age, that tells the story of one community health worker, Pushpa, in rural India who was recently introduced to a new mobile-based platform that aims to help her meet the maternal health needs of the growing population she works with.
From the story:
She then travels for close to two hours, often walking about five kilometers by foot in the hot tropical sun, to pass this information down to a health facility. Over the years, as the number of families in Pushpa’s village increased, she had to walk longer distances, and check on more mothers. Now, Pushpa agrees that her job has become more challenging and that she sometimes forgets. She knows she needs another way to keep track of the numbers, and to make sure that she can still look after every mother. With the help of the Maternal Health Reporter, a mobile-based platform developed by Global Health Bridge, Pushpa is able make this hope a reality.
Read the full story here.
Learn more about Global Health Bridge–and their work to improve maternal health in Jamkhed, India.