This year’s meeting of the American Public Health Association is being held in Boston, Massachusetts from November 2-6, with the theme “Think Global, Act Local: Best Practices Around the World.” With this theme, sessions throughout the conference will highlight issues and advances that are bound to be of interest to many working or studying maternal health. Sessions at APHA are organized into tracks that highlight major themes in the field; including both maternal and child health and international health.
The following sessions may be of particular interest for anyone working on global maternal health:
International MNCH
Innovative approaches to global MCH
Investigating diverse, multi-level determinants of MCH
Improving Pregnancy Outcomes: Integrating Systems Related Change and Promoting Mothers’ physical and psychosocial well being before, during and after pregnancy
MCH Town Hall Meeting: ACA and MCH
Policy and finance of obstetric and newborn care programs
Challenges and strategies for writing and publishing in MCH
Poster sessions:
- Innovations in maternity services
- Reproductive and behavioral health of M + C in low resource settings
- MCH Student poster session
In addition, this year, the MHTF is cosponsoring the Community-Based Primary Health Care (CBPHC) Working Group’s workshop on community-based healthcare. The all-day workshop will be held on November 2, and focus on effective MNCH tools and approaches that help CBPHC managers and health providers deliver services efficiently and consistently to all.
As we prepare for the meeting, MHTF staff are looking forward to attending sessions, catching up with colleagues and making new connections in-person and online. Is there a session that the MHTF should know about? New findings on a hot topic in maternal health or a related issue? Keep in touch with the MHTF on Twitter, or email Sarah Blake at if you would like to submit a guest blog post for consideration.