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112 Results for: “group antenatal care”

International Day for Maternal Health and Rights: Five Perspectives on Respectful Maternity Care

Tomorrow, 11 April is International Day for Maternal Health and Rights, a call-to-action to address every woman’s right to high quality, respectful care before, during and after pregnancy. Experts in research, midwifery, obstetrics and gynecology and program implementation share insight into respectful maternity care (RMC) and how to integrate the principles of RMC into quality improvement initiatives…read more

Targeting Gestational Diabetes During Antenatal Care: Experience from Ethiopia

Evidence suggests that gestational diabetes is highly treatable and, since it is associated with other conditions, there may be opportunities for integrated treatment approaches. Researchers recently carried out a study assessing the prevalence of gestational diabetes in Ethiopia and the feasibility of integrating low-cost services for gestational diabetes into antenatal care…read more

Improving Quality of Antenatal Care: New Guidelines From the World Health Organization (WHO)

The World Health Organization has released a new set of antenatal care recommendations to improve maternal and perinatal health worldwide. The guidelines seek to reduce the global burden of stillbirths, reduce pregnancy complications and provide all women and adolescents with a positive pregnancy experience…read more

Ensuring Quality in Private Maternity Care

One of the most challenging areas of maternal health is measuring, improving and assuring quality of care. Measuring the quality of maternal health care can be particularly difficult, especially surrounding labor and delivery. Maternal mortality and morbidity outcomes can be misleading indicators of quality, and data on the content of care is extremely limited. For private maternity care providers, investing in continuous quality measurement and improvement can be a real hurdle. Particularly for small, independent providers, time is money and taking on complex, continuous quality improvement processes is unrealistic. However, our experience working with private providers demonstrates that they are eager to invest in quality improvement measures…read more

The Evidence for Breastfeeding and Thermal Care: Key Elements of Essential Newborn Care

Breastfeeding and thermal care are particularly potent determinants of newborn survival, yet both have received disproportionately little program attention. Save the Children’s Saving Newborn Lives program has published a pair of evidence briefs on early initiation of breastfeeding and thermal care of newborns, which present the epidemiologic argument for increased prioritization of these issues. The briefs address two key elements of “essential newborn care” – important routine care practices that should be provided to all babies regardless of whether they are born at home or in a facility…read more

Every Woman Deserves Respectful Maternity Care During and After Childbirth

At a training center in Tanzania, Jhpiego’s Senior Maternal Health Advisor, Sheena Currie, addressed the group of brightly dressed nurse-midwives and doctors. As part of an overview about respectful maternity care (RMC), Sheena used role-play to show these health care providers how to warmly greet pregnant women with a smile and kind words when they … Continue reading “Every Woman Deserves Respectful Maternity Care During and After Childbirth”