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36 Results for: “”

Midwives in the Mountains of Vietnam

Understanding disparities within countries regarding maternal mortality ratios, access to health services and other health factors are necessary to fully address and provide maternal health care and a number of other health indicators. Vietnam, a middle income country, currently has a maternal mortality ratio of 64 deaths per 100,000 live births, according to IHME. However, … Continue reading “Midwives in the Mountains of Vietnam”

Breastfeeding as Family Teamwork

Research has shown that women who have support from their family, partner and broader social network are more likely to initiate and continue breastfeeding. Nevertheless, health care providers do not always engage with families very effectively. Studies in diverse global settings have demonstrated the benefit of engaging partners and families on breastfeeding practices…read more

Community-Based Interventions to Improve Maternal Mental Health in Resource-Constrained Countries

Recognition that pregnant and postpartum women living in resource-constrained low- and lower-middle income countries can experience mental health problems is growing. However, a double disparity remains. First, prevalence of mental health problems among women in resource-constrained countries is much higher than it is among women living in well-resourced countries, with the greatest burden among the poorest women with the least access to services. Second, while all high-income nations have substantial research evidence about the nature, prevalence and risks for perinatal common mental disorders, few resource-constrained countries have any evidence at all… read more

10 New Jobs in Maternal Health and a Conference Scholarship!

Ten more new jobs and one conference scholarship to explore as you navigate your way through a career committed to maternal health. Jobs & fellowships Program Manager: D-tree International, Zanzibar Advisor for Private Sector Partnerships: USAID, Washington, DC, USA (applications due by May 11) mHealth Coordinator: Mali Health, Bamako, Mali Senior Program Manager: Jhpiego, Rwanda Monitoring & … Continue reading “10 New Jobs in Maternal Health and a Conference Scholarship!”

Reflecting on the Maternal Health Collections

In celebration of the MHTF-PLOS Maternal Health collaboration we take a look back through the collections and highlight some of the most influential and interesting articles included in the collections. In November 2011, the Maternal Health Task Force (MHTF) and PLOS Medicine embarked on a 3 year partnership culminating in the launches of 3 collections focused … Continue reading “Reflecting on the Maternal Health Collections”

Strategies for Increasing Contraception Access to Adolescents

This post is part two of two in our family planning feature this week Building on the emphasis at the PMNCH Partners’ Forum this week of extending care to adolescents, identifying strategies that work for increasing access of contraception to adolescents is both critical and timely. This week the article Scale Up of Adolescent-Friendly Contraceptive … Continue reading “Strategies for Increasing Contraception Access to Adolescents”