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Disparities in maternal health services in sub-Saharan Africa
Process evaluations of task sharing interventions for perinatal depression in low and middle income countries (LMIC): A systematic review and qualitative meta-synthesis
Accelerating newborn survival in Ghana through a low-dose, high-frequency health worker training approach: A cluster randomized trial
Can a midwife-led continuity model improve maternal services in a low-resource setting? A non-randomised cluster intervention study in Palestine
Non-obstetrical indications for cesarean section: A state-of-the-art review
Too afraid to go: Fears of dignity violations as reasons for non-use of maternal health services in South Sudan
Midwifery services framework
Women’s experiences of mistreatment during childbirth: A comparative view of home- and facility-based births in Pakistan
Birth preparedness and complication readiness among pregnant women in Tehulederie district, Northeast Ethiopia: A community-based cross-sectional study
To what extent are midwives adapting antenatal information for pregnant women with intellectual disabilities? A survey of NHS trusts in England
Implementation of fee-free maternal health-care policy in Ghana: Perspectives of users of antenatal and delivery care services from public health-care facilities in Accra
Midwives and clinical investigation: A review of the literature
Eroding access and quality of childbirth care in rural US counties
Initiation of traditional birth attendants and their traditional and spiritual practices during pregnancy and childbirth in Ghana
Spatial variation in the use of reproductive health services over time: A decomposition analysis
Maternity waiting homes – an effective instrument for global maternal health
Group antenatal care models in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic evidence synthesis
Understanding the barriers to uptake of antenatal vaccination by women from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds: A cross-sectional study
Barriers to and strategies for addressing the availability, accessibility, acceptability and quality of the sexual, reproductive, maternal, newborn and adolescent health workforce: addressing the post-2015 agenda
Common challenges managing bed and staff availability on labor and delivery units in the United States: A qualitative analysis
What nurses and midwives want: Findings from the national survey on workplace climate and well-being
Facility-based maternal death in western Africa: A systematic review
Facility-based maternal death in western Africa: A systematic review
Association of the client-provider ratio with the risk of maternal mortality in referral hospitals: A multi-site study in Nigeria
Linking data sources for measurement of effective coverage in maternal and newborn health: What do we learn from individual- vs ecological-linking methods?
Association of the client-provider ratio with the risk of maternal mortality in referral hospitals: A multi-site study in Nigeria
Mapping integration of midwives across the United States: Impact on access, equity, and outcomes
The inverse equity hypothesis: Analyses of institutional deliveries in 286 national surveys
United States model midwifery legislation and regulation: Development of a consensus document
Increasing diagnosis and treatment of perinatal depression in Latina and African American women: Addressing stigma is not enough
Implementation of a childbirth preparation program in the maternal and child health centres in Jordan
Postnatal care in the context of decreasing length of stay in hospital after birth: The perspectives of community midwives
The introduction of a midwife-led obstetric triage system into a regional referral hospital in Ghana
The introduction of a midwife-led obstetric triage system into a regional referral hospital in Ghana
Task shifting in active management of the third stage of labor: A systematic review
‘What gets measured gets managed’: Revisiting the indicators for maternal and newborn health programmes
Exploring factors that influence students’ attitudes toward midwifery in Jordan: Measuring psychometric properties of a newly developed tool
Association between labor and delivery unit census and delays in patient management: Findings from a computer simulation module
Teaching respectful maternity care using an intellectual partnership model in Tanzania
The impact of negative childbirth experience on future reproductive decisions: A quantitative systematic review
Longitudinal evaluation of a training program to promote routine antenatal enquiry for domestic violence by midwives
Variables that influence US midwife and physician management of the third stage of labor
Developing a work/study programme for midwifery education in East Africa
Association between provider type and cesarean birth in healthy nulliparous laboring women: A retrospective cohort study
Effectiveness and safety of early medication abortion provided in pharmacies by auxiliary nurse-midwives: A non-inferiority study in Nepal
Rebuilding people-centred maternal health services in post-Ebola Liberia through participatory action research
The five attributes of a supportive midwifery practice climate: A review of the literature
Peer supporters’ experiences on an Australian perinatal mental health helpline
Evaluation of a community-based intervention to improve maternal and neonatal health service coverage in the most rural and remote districts of Zambia
Timing of maternal death: Levels, trends, and ecological correlates using sibling data from 34 sub-Saharan African countries