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Maternal Health, HIV, and AIDS: Examining Research Through a Programmatic Lens

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HIV and postpartum morbidity/mortality
Tshidi Hannah Sebitloane, University of Kwazulu Natal

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Sebitloane described the burden of maternal mortality, especially noting sub-Saharan Africa and Southern Asia. South African women deliver in hospitals, where data is routinely collected, and thus South Africa has a wealth of data on maternal health and HIV. Sebitloane discussed institutional MMRs and stated that the MMR for women living with HIV was 6 times higher than women without HIV. Sebitloane also described that for every maternal death there is 5-6 times more maternal morbidity. She noted five areas for future study: prevention; early identification and initiation of treatment; safe regimens during pregnancy; screening for tuberculosis; and prevention of unwanted pregnancies.

For more information, please visit the maternal health, HIV, and AIDS technical meeting page.