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Maternal Health, HIV, and AIDS: Examining Research Through a Programmatic Lens

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Five breakout groups are presented by participants: Intra- and Postpartum, Pre-conception, Ante and Post, Behavior Change and Measurement. Each group discussed Implementation, Scale-up and Knowledge gaps within each topic. Topics addressed for Intra and Post partum included: differing needs for implementation, follow-up care for infant and mother, further research that is needed and cesarean section safety for women with HIV. Topics addressed for Pre-conception included: serodiscordant couples, disclosure status, safer contraception, abortion and post abortion care, task shifting and screening. Topics addressed for Ante and Post care included: refocusing on scale-up for antenatal care, HR skills, community and differing approaches for countries with lower prevalence rates. Topics addressed for Behavior Change included: evidenced-based scale up program models, stigma training for quality of care and partner work. Topics addressed for Measurement included: feedback and feedback structure, dynamic data collection improvements (such as mHealth), verbal autopsies, use of comparable meta data and sentinel surveys.

For more information, please visit the maternal health, HIV, and AIDS technical meeting page.