Content of maternal and newborn health care needs to be measured to improve the quality of contacts between families and health workers, highlights research carried out by the IDEAS project, and published in PLoS ONE. The number of families that had contact with frontline workers suggested that demand for health care was increasing compared to previous reports from the same study sites. However, the percentage of women and babies who received care with all the recommended content was considerably lower across all stages of the continuum of care…… read more
East Africa Community Launches Regional Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn and Child Health Scorecard
Posted onThe East African Community (EAC) has launched a Regional Reproductive Maternal Newborn and Child Health (RMNCH) Scorecard. The Scorecard is an innovative tool for communicating progress on key global, regional and national commitments for children and women’s health. The Scorecard was launched in the 2nd Health Ministers and Parliamentarians’ Forum held recently in Kampala, Uganda that brought together EAC Ministers responsible for health, selected parliamentarians, the academia and development partners… read more