
April 7-8, 2014
Boston, MA

As mobile phones and other devices become increasingly available and adaptable, demand for their systematic integration into reproductive, maternal, neonatal and child health (RMNCH) programs is growing. The MHTF is collaborating with Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the World Health Organization to convene a technical meeting on mHealth for maternal health: how it can be applied, who can use it and to what effect it is needed.

twitter-mhealth-graphicBy bringing together researchers, program implementers and evaluators from both the maternal health and mHealth communities, this meeting will facilitate discussions around the current state of mHealth for maternal health, prioritize future evidence needs and determine opportunities for sustained discussion and collaboration between the mHealth and maternal health communities. The 40-50 participants of this meeting will represent high-, middle- and low-income countries.

Read the two Storifys of the meeting here and here.

Meeting Report

View the PDF of the mHealth technical meeting report.


View the PDF of the mHealth technical meeting agenda.

Participant List

View the PDF of the mHealth participant list.

Concept Note

View the PDF of the mHealth concept note.

Meeting Resources

Download the following mHealth meeting resources: