Why Research Will Prevail in a Post-Fact World

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By: Ann K. Blanc, Vice President of Social and Behavioral Science Research, Population Council

To end preventable maternal deaths and other persistent global development challenges, we need to work on implementing known solutions that are based on research and proven facts…read more

World Malaria Day: New Resources for Addressing Malaria in Pregnancy

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By: Kayla McGowan, Project Coordinator, Women and Health Initiative, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

While the number of deaths from malaria has declined around the world, malaria in pregnancy (MiP) continues to pose substantial health risks to pregnant women and newborns. MiP is a large contributor of global maternal deaths, and in sub-Saharan Africa, malaria infection in pregnancy accounts for approximately one in five stillbirths and one in ten newborn deaths. MiP can lead to other complications including anemia, prematurity and low birthweight…read more

What Do Women Want When It Comes to High Quality Maternal and Reproductive Health Care?

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By: Kayla McGowan, Project Coordinator, Women and Health Initiative, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Launched today on International Day for Maternal Health and Rights by the White Ribbon Alliance and partners, the What Women Want campaign aims to gather input from at least one million women and adolescent girls about how they define high quality maternal and reproductive health services. Take the one-question survey and spread the word!…read more

International Day for Maternal Health and Rights: Five Perspectives on Respectful Maternity Care

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By: Kayla McGowan, Project Coordinator, Women and Health Initiative, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Tomorrow, 11 April is International Day for Maternal Health and Rights, a call-to-action to address every woman’s right to high quality, respectful care before, during and after pregnancy. Experts in research, midwifery, obstetrics and gynecology and program implementation share insight into respectful maternity care (RMC) and how to integrate the principles of RMC into quality improvement initiatives…read more

World Health Day 2018: Maternal Health Care and Universal Health Coverage

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By: Kayla McGowan, Project Coordinator, Women and Health Initiative, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

This Saturday, 7 April is World Health Day, and this year’s theme is universal health coverage (UHC). Accessible maternal health care is a critical component of UHC that affects women, their families, communities and nations at large. We have rounded up resources exploring maternal health care and UHC…read more

Upcoming Webinar: A Global Survey of Skilled Birth Attendants

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Please join the Fistula Community of Practice on 10 April 2018 at 9:00 am Eastern Daylight Time for a webinar sharing findings from a global survey of skilled-birth attendants (SBAs) in low- and middle-income countries. The survey examined SBAs’ training, knowledge, practices and facility environment as they relate to intrapartum and postpartum bladder care and management of prolonged/obstructed labor…read more

New Resources Online from Global Alliance for Maternal Mental Health

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By: Staff, Maternal Health Task Force

Earlier this month, the Global Alliance for Maternal Mental Health—comprising 13 international agencies—launched a new website related to improving the mental health of women during pregnancy and the postnatal period. This new online platform is full of resources, including videos of women sharing their real-life stories in their own words…read more