Improving Health Facility Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) for Enhanced Delivery of Quality Maternal and Newborn Health Services in Kenya

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By: Abdi Hassan, WASH Specialist, UNICEF Kenya; Lutomia Mangala, Health Specialist, UNICEF Kenya

World Water Day is an opportunity to reflect on the availability—or lack—of clean water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) facilities in places providing maternal health care around the world. A 2015 World Health Organization rapid assessment of WASH coverage in health care facilities in 54 low- and middle-income countries found that 38% of these facilities lacked access to an improved water source, or one that is likely to be protected from outside contamination. Learn how Kenya has improved WASH conditions in select health facilities in high-burden districts…read more

To Address Noncommunicable Diseases and Maternal Health in Low-Resource Settings, Integrate Data at the Primary Care Level

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By: Elizabeth Marcuse, Community Health Specialist Volunteer, United States Peace Corps, Guyana, South America

High quality maternal health care requires a health workforce and health systems that adequately respond to local needs and can meet emerging challenges, such as those at the intersection of maternal health and noncommunicable diseases. Guyana’s health system structure has serious potential to evaluate and respond to these complex health issues, but decisions concerning resources and strategies require evidence-based support…read more