According to the CDC, over 99% of women will use contraception at least once in their lifetime. Birth control is essential for reducing the risk of pregnancy and avoiding sexually transmitted infections. It is also a groundbreaking area of research and development for scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs. This page connects our users with a curated collection of up-to-date research and news regarding contraception in medicine, public health, and technology.
Research Publications
In Contraception May 2023 –Long-acting reversible contraception and condom use: A cohort study of female adolescents and young adults in New York City
In Cerebral Cortex February 2023 – Striatal dopamine synthesis and cognitive flexibility differ between hormonal contraceptive users and nonusers
In Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology 2021 – The Scientific Body of Knowledge – Whose body does it serve? A spotlight on oral contraceptives and women’s health factors in neuroimaging
In the News
In The Washington Post May 10, 23 – FDA advisers back making birth control pill available over the counter
In The Wall Street Journal June 5, 2023- Enforcers of China’s One-Child Policy Are Now Cajoling People to Have Three
In BBC May 22, 2023 – Population: When saying condom aloud became birth control ad in India
In NPR June 1, 2023 – The story of how the birth control pill was invented and tested