Email: cini@cinindia.org
Phone: +913324978192 / 8206/8758/8759/8641
Address: Daulatpur, P.O. Pailan Via Joka, 24 Parganas (S), Pin - 700 104, West Bengal, India
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Child In Need Institute (CINI), a leading NGO with its head office in Kolkata (Calcutta), has been working since 1974 to achieve sustainable development in nutrition, health, education and protection among poor communities. CINI’s overarching aim is to enable poor people, women and children to take control of their lives and share in sustainable development. They are active in deprived communities, both in villages and low-income urban settlements, and seek to break the vicious cycle of poverty, malnutrition, ill-health, illiteracy, abuse and violence.