KHANA is the largest national non-governmental organization (NGO) providing integrated HIV prevention, care and support services at the community level in Cambodia. Initially established in 1996 as a project of the International HIV/AIDS Alliance, KHANA became an independent NGO in 1997, and has been officially registered in Cambodia since 2000. KHANA is a linking organization of the International HIV/AIDS Alliance, and is one of the leading organizations focusing on HIV and AIDS in Cambodia today.
KHANA’s Focused Prevention (FP) Program prioritizes the prevention needs of those most at risk of HIV infection. In Cambodia, this includes entertainment workers and their clients, men who have sex with men (MSM), transgender people, and people who use drugs. Many sub-groups can be hard to reach with traditional prevention interventions, so KHANA uses innovative approaches to ensure they have access to a full range of services. Other groups reached with prevention activities include youth, mobile populations, sero-discordant couples, and people living with HIV (PLHIV).
KHANA’s Integrated Care and Prevention (ICP) Program promotes increased self-reliance and sustainability for communities affected by HIV, and works with PLHIV, orphans and vulnerable children, and most at risk populations and their families. PLHIV take a lead role in the program as community support volunteers who coordinate self-help groups, provide follow-up to improve treatment adherence, provide positive prevention information, facilitate access to income generation activities and food support, support school attendance for children, and make referrals to health and other services. Implementing partners also work with health centers and referral hospitals to ensure user-friendly services are available.
KHANA is also well-respected for its capacity building work with civil society organizations in good practice programming, financial and grant management, organizational development, and good governance. KHANA is committed to ensuring that our partners have the capacity to develop and implement efficient, transparent and accountable programs, and KHANA’s history of transparency, accountability and anti-corruption practices have made it a recognized leader in good governance in Cambodia.
KHANA has over 70 staff working in four distinct departments, as well as a strong team of volunteers. These hard working members of staff, backed by an active Board of Directors, support 38 local NGOs and networks to deliver integrated prevention, treatment, care and support services to communities in 20 of Cambodia´s 24 provinces and municipalities.KHANA also benefits from technical assistance from the International HIV/AIDS Alliance, and the support of its Board of Directors.
KHANA’s work, and the work of its partners, is made possible through the generous support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Global Fund for AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, AusAID and the World Food Program.