Global Maternal Health Conference 2013
Moderator: Palesa Chetane, Partners In Health
Quality of care may be assessed by various measures. Monitoring quality of a comprehensive approach to improving maternal health in the mountains of Lesotho
Palesa Chetane, Partners In Health
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Partners In Health’s work in Lesotho trained 550 women to become clinic-affiliated health workers. Results included follow-up of 100% of pregnant women and constant monitoring of services at every delivery point.
Beyond skilled attendance: A critical assessment of indicators for monitoring the quality of maternal health care
Hannah Taboada, Population Council
Population Council’s work described the population based indicators for assessment of labor, delivery and post-partum periods. Future validation studies will be implemented to test these indicators.
Improving the coverage and quality of maternal health services through routine monitoring of service delivery
Kathleen Myer, International Rescue Committee
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In the DRC, Myer described the Tanahashi method of quality monitoring for long-term improvements and to catch gaps in care.
Real-time monitoring of quality of institutional care
Claire Bailey, University of Southampton
Bailey described the Quality of Institutional Care program which used evidence to improve efficiency and action via a scale-able, low-resource, real-time and simple monitoring system.
A computerized monitoring and evaluation system for maternal care in Mali
Fournier Pierre, Université de Montréal
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(Was not available to present.)