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Global Maternal Health Conference 2013

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Moderator: Emily Keyes, FHI 360/AMDD

The quality of delivery and newborn care in public hospitals in Uganda: A case study of Mityana hospital
Abel Bizimana, Mildmay Uganda

This session focused on the infrastructure needed for quality maternal health care. Bizimana began the session by describing work in one hospital in Uganda around facility readiness. Findings included that staff and personnel were not prepared for the work they needed to do, and infrastructure of the hospital itself (including waste disposal and electricity) were not taken care of. With a 4 month intervention, key issues were resolved leading to better maternal health outcomes.

State strategy: United hospitals working toward decreasing maternal mortality
Martha Villegas, ISEM
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Villegas described her work focused on Mexico state within the country of Mexico. Looking at this large hospital system, they used a systematic approach using key steps made a difference to address problems at the hospitals. Results of the intervention included increased quality of care indicators and reduced maternal mortality.

Measuring facility readiness to deliver EmONC
Emily Keyes, FHI 360/AMDD
View a PDF of the abstract>>

Keyes described research on EmONC facility needs. The team focused on 6 countries, and took note of facility’s infrastructure, infection prevention, services offered, guidelines, human resources, HMIS, laboratory, drugs, and equipment and supplies. The score of the facility is related to each country’s MMR rates, to show the relationship of how facility capabilities ties directly to MMR rates.

Maternal health cost and efficiency of services in selected health facilities in Lindi and Mtwara rural districts in Tanzania
Happiness Saronga, Muhimbili University Tanzania and Heidelberg University Germany
View a PDF of the abstract>>

Saronga described the cost effectiveness of rural health posts in Tanzania. Their study found that different costs were found for different clinics, causing variability in not only cost, but services provided/available, leading them to realize the need to better streamline quality and cost of care.