Malaria in pregnancy: What It takes to deliver quality health services as a component of comprehensive MNCH (2 of 2 videos) from Maternal Health Task Force on Vimeo.
Global Maternal Health Conference 2013
Filmed in Arusha, Tanzania. Thursday, 17 January 2013
Malaria in pregnancy (MIP) produces a heavy burden on both mother and child as it relates to MNCH. Kuwawenaruwa produced results on the importance of prevention and subsidized treatment for malaria care. Menéndez gave an overview of intermittent preventive treatment of MIP in Mozambique, findings that IPTp provides a very cost-effective and highly-cost effective intervention for MNCH. Agarwal described Jhpiego’s studies in Malawi, Senegal and Zambia, detailing results and political movements towards reducing MIP. Orji found that in Nigeria that community awareness can improve ANC utilization of MIP services. Mangiaterra discussed systematic reviews of MIP programs and the 2012 WHO recommendations and future strategies. Hill, through various review methods, found a need for more knowledge for providers and clients on MIP as well as better integration of MIP with ANC services.
Moderator: Koki Agarwal, Jhpiego
Household costs for the treatment of malaria during pregnancy in the Dodoma Region, Tanzania
August Kuwawenaruwa, Ifakara Health Institute
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Cost-effectiveness of intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy in southern Mozambique
Clara Menéndez, ISGLOBAL – CRESIB
Local solutions to adapting best practices and applying lessons learned in MIP programming
Koki Agarwal, Jhpiego
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Adapting community interventions that support improved outcomes for MIP while strengthening ANC services
Bright Orji, Jhpiego
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A closer look at harmonization of reproductive health and malaria control policies in sub-Saharan Africa
Viviana Mangiaterra, World Health Organization
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Factors affecting the delivery, access and use of preventive interventions for malaria in pregnancy in sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review
Jenny Hill, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
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