Women, Girls and Universal Health Coverage: Who Is Accountable?

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By: Belkis Giorgis, Global Technical Lead for Gender, Management Sciences for Health (MSH); Fabio Castaño, Global Technical Lead for Family Planning and Reproductive Health, Management Sciences for Health (MSH)

The burden of ensuring safe delivery does not fall solely on the shoulders of women and girls, but falls on all of us. Whether we are policymakers, service providers, development workers, husbands, fathers or mothers-in-law, we can all make a difference. It is our responsibility to do so. As a society, we owe it to women to ensure they have a safe delivery and access to family planning information and services… read more

Launch of Translating Research into Practice Series: Reflections From MHTF-PLOS Collection Authors

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By: Katie Millar, Technical Writer, Women and Health Initiative, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Over the last three years, the MHTF has partnered with PLoS to put together an annual collection on maternal health. These open-access collections were curated with the goal of increasing access to comprehensive research to global maternal health practitioners who may not have access to subscription-only journals. In order to evaluate the impact of these collections, we now launch the Translating Research into Practice Series. To create this series, we’ve followed up with authors from these collections to reflect back on their research and what has happened in terms of practice, policy, and further research since their publication. Follow this series over the next few weeks on Tuesdays and Thursdays to hear the authors’ first-hand reflections and how research can be leveraged to create sustainable change… read more